Blog SEO Workflow

This Blog Post Optimisation template came from having a lot of clients asking for an SOP/How To process for themselves or their in-house VA/staff to manage the upload, formatting, and optimising of their blog posts to continue their SEO efforts or to action their SEO plan in-house without having to outsource to an SEO expert.

It's also useful for going back through old blog posts to update them for relevancy while optimising for search at the same time.

This workflow template takes you through each step of how to upload, format and optimise a blog post including:

  • what to do
  • what to add where
  • what not to forget
  • what to look for
  • how to improve blog optimisation so that you can get the best organic reach for the content
  • an SEO checklist at the end for quick reference.

Put To Use: These workflow steps can easily be copied into any project management tool such as ClickUp, Asana, Teamwork, or Trello so that this Blog Optimisation process is followed every time.

For best results: Customise the process to your particular website, blogging style, and if you have your VA add specific things to your articles such as a particular disclaimer, sign-off, or Call To Action.


  • This step-by-step process template is for a WordPress blog using Yoast SEO plugin however a similar approach applies to Squarespace, Story Chief, other SEO plugins for Wordpress, and other website blogging platforms.
  • This process does not include details on Keyword Research or what your focus keywords should be. Book our Keyword Research service.
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