DIY Online Presence Optimisation Guide

This DIY online presence optimisation guide offers you step-by-step instructions that will:

  • guide you through the process of optimising your business' online presence
  • help you gain tailored insights from your analytics data, and
  • create do-able action steps to help grow your business online

DIY Online Presence Optimisation Guide Covers:

  • Improving your customer’s experience
  • Who is finding you online – and why!
  • Which pieces of your content are working best for your business and which ones could be improved – and how
  • How customers are finding you online and where to optimise to reach more customers
  • Optimisation of your online search and social media presence
  • Finding your growth opportunities in your data
  • How to turn your data and insights into actions!

These steps highlight many hidden treasures of information about your customers, your target market, and even your own business.

Through this process, you will discover growth opportunities for your business that you will wish you had known a long time ago!

NOTE: To get the most out of this guide, it is best completed with an active Google Analytics account, your website connected to Webmaster Tools, and social media insights information. These are all very valuable free tools for your business. If you need assistance setting these up for your business, I can help with that as well. 

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